Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Playing Golf with daddy

Several times this summer, we took the boys to the golf course so that Tayson could play golf with Justin. He absolutely loves to play golf, and I'm really hoping that continues. This mommy would be totally happy with a golf scholarship :)

Hanging out in the cart with mommy, is so much fun!

"Hey dad...what are you doing over in the sand?"

"What? I can't play golf with them for a few more years?"

"Are you paying attention, dad? This is where your ball is supposed to go!"

Look at that swing!

4th of July!

For the 4th of July, we hung out with some family and friends, at my mom and dad's house. We had a great time visiting with everyone. When it was getting dark, we all loaded up and went to watch the fireworks at the Naturals Stadium. It was so much fun to watch Tayson this year. This was the first year that he has really had any interest in fireworks.

Would someone please make all of these loud booms stop!

The cake that Tayson helped my mom make. It was SOOO good!

Hanging out by the pool...haha!

Catch Up

I have been a very bad blogger! This being a mom of two kiddos, is a full time job :) I am going to attempt to catch up with some of the highlights from our busy summer. Look for lots of new posts, in the days to come!!