The other morning when Tayson woke up, I got him out of bed and he started playing with some of his toys, while I was getting ready. After about five minutes, I told him that we needed to go into his bedroom so that we could change his diaper and get him dressed. As we started across the house to his bedroom, I decided to stop by the guest bedroom so I could get a dress out of the closet. He came into the guest bedroom and started whining and tugging at his diaper. I just assumed that he wanted a dry diaper so I said "Come on sweetie, lets go in your room and change it". I laid him down in his room to change his diaper, like I always do, however, this time when I unfastened his diaper I found a big surprise!!! Mommy's cell phone!!! I was laughing so hard, trying to figure out, why on earth does this baby have my cell phone in his diaper? I thought about it, the answer came to me! Just days before when Justin had gotten home from work, he gave Tayson his change out of his pocket, as he always does, and Tayson took off to his bedroom to put it in his piggy bank. Later when I changed his diaper there were two pennies in his diaper but I just figured that he must have accidentally dropped them in there when he was putting the change away. After thinking about this, it clicked!! Tayson always sees Justin putting his change and his cell phone in his pockets and he thinks that this is his pocket!
Sure enough, that is exactly what it is! Since then, we have caught him trying to put several other things like pens, etc. in his "pocket". Now if we tell him to put something in his pocket, he will immediately start trying to put it in his diaper! It is so funny what kids think and how they process things in their little heads!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
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What a sweet story- hillarious!
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am dying laughing. That is so funny.
Can't wait to see you next week.
This is why it is great to have a always remember hilarious things like this!!! BTW...I always appreciate your sweet comments on my blog!
Why is it that boys are always trying to stick things in their pants? Haha...
What a cutie!
that is so cute!... absolutely adorable!...
That is SO funny! I am laughing out loud!
How sweet is that.. He wants to be like Daddy! So cute!
That is so cute. I love the way little kids think!
So funny!!
Oh, I love it! What a sweet story for the baby book!
That is too too funny! Love the story!
Hey Mandy,
Can I have your email address or will you email me?
That is too cute!! Isn't it wild how much they pick up on and you don't even realize they are paying attention!?!?!? Jett is always doing stuff like that and it makes us realize that he observes way more than we think he does!
Oh my gosh...too funny! That's a classic kid story!
Girl, this cracks me up!!!! Kids are sooooooooooooo smart!!! I love it!!! Great story! You will have to remember this one for many years down the road!!! lol =)
That is hysterical! A little 19-month-old boy in Jancie's class had been smuggling his paci to school every day in his pants pocket. He was taking it out as needed.
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