We just wrapped up Tayson's first season of "First Touch" soccer. It was a blast!! Justin and I coached the team, and I think we had more fun than Tayson. Our team consited of 10, 3 year olds. We had 3 girls and 7 boys. They all seemed to love it and we had a great season!
The name of our team was the "Land O'Frost Lizards". We started practicing in August and practiced once or twice a week, and typically had one or two games a week. I am proud to say, we finished the season UNDEFEATED!! (not that it really matters at this age, but I thought it was neat anyways!)
Coaching and watching three years olds play soccer is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Some of them "understand" what is going on, while others...NOT SO MUCH! Tayson kind of went back and forth between the understanding, and NOT SO MUCH. Some practices and games he was really into it, and then like a light switch, it would change.
After our last game, we had a soccer party at Guido's Pizza in Springdale. Justin and I had trophies made for all of the players and I think they loved them. They were all so excited to have a trophey with their name and number on it.
All in all, we had a great season and can't wait until Spring!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tayson's First Season of Soccer
Thursday, July 29, 2010
16 Months
Tristin turned 16 Months Old on Tuesday so I figured it was time for me to make notes of what he was up to! He is such a little busy body, trying hard to keep up with his big brother! He is the light of our lives (well, one of two!) and we just can't remember our lives without him!
Things he is up to:
*Walking. Everywhere! He was not in any hurry to walk, crawling was always his preferred method of travel. However, he decided that on July 1st (my birthday), that was the day to start. I thought it was a great birthday present!!
*Talking. I am constantly amazed by everything that he can say! Some of his favorite words are: mama, dada, BASKETBALL (crazy, I know!), kitty, eat, paci, blankie, outside, dog, shoes. He can say quite a few more words but they are escaping me right now :)
*Making animal noises. He can tell you what a dog, cow, duck, horse, monkey, pig, and cat say.
*Wearing 12-18 month clothes, size 3 shoes and a size 3 diaper. He is our tiny little thing!
*Has 12 teeth. The last 4 "eye" teeth just cut through the skin but they are finally in. :) They were pretty rough!!
*I took him for his 15 month check up a few weeks ago and he weighed 21 lbs 2 oz. Dr. Froman said he is in about the 20th percentile. I can't remember his exact height right now but he was in the 75th percentile. Long and lean!
*He is a pretty good sleeper. He still gets up about twice a night for a drink but then goes right back to sleep. He typically goes down between 8:30 and 9:00 and gets up between 6:30 and 7:00.
*He LOVES to play basketball. He is actually pretty good too! He would probably play basketball the entire day, if we let him.
*Adores Tayson!! Whatever Tayson is doing, is the most exciting thing for him. Tayson gets a little frustrated by this at times but overall, they get a long very well. I just LOVE watching them together, it melts my heart!!
*Loves to take a bath! This is one of his favorite times each day. He really loves any form of water, swimming, playing with the hose, etc.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Happy Birthday Baby!!
I CAN.NOT.BELIEVE. that you are a year old today!! Where has the time gone? I honestly feel like this has been the fastest year of my life. You are such a blessing to Daddy, Tayson and I, and we cannot imagine our lives without you!! We have a big day planned for your first birthday and I think that Tayson is the most excited :) We are going to Rick's tomorrow morning for donuts (which I think you will love!) and then we are going to go to the park and play and tomorrow evening everyone is going to Chuck E. Cheese to help you celebrate! Your actually birthday party is next weekend, so I will have to do another post on that. We love you more than words can say, and hope that you have a great first birthday, Trister Bear!!
Here is what you are up to:
*Crawling everywhere!! You are also pulling up on everything. We think you will be walking very soon but you just haven't taken off yet! (That is perfectly fine with mommy!!)
*"Talk" all the time! The only words that we know you are saying for sure are: dada, mama (but only when you are tired or upset), hi and mmmmm (anytime you see food!). We think you are saying "kitty" but aren't 100% sure about that yet. It is so funny to me that both you and Tayson learned to say "kitty" so soon and we don't even have a cat! :)
*You are a tiny little thing! You only weigh 19 lbs 12 oz. I have been comparing pictures of you and Tayson and decided last night to pull out Tayson's baby book. At a year old, he weighed 26 lbs 3 oz. I was surprised that there was such a big difference between you guys!
*Wear size 3 diapers and just now are getting into your 12 month clothes.
*Hate to wear hats!
*Love your big brother like crazy!! You light up anytime he is around and are always trying to be involved in whatever he is doing. I think you guys are going to be best buds!! :)
*Love to dance! Everyone in our family laughs because anytime you hear the slightest sound of music, no matter where we are, or what we are doing, you start dancing. It is adorable!!
*Have 8 teeth!!
*Still breastfeeding but mostly only at night and maybe once or twice during the day.
*Very picky eater! This has been a new learning experience for mommy because Tayson was never really a picky eater. You refuse to eat baby food too!
*Love to take a bath!! I actually think that this is probably your favorite thing to do!
*Everyone calls you Trist! I actually wonder if you even know that your name is Tristin because no one calls you that. I love it that you have a nickname though and I think we will be calling you Trist for life :)
*Love to play with balls. We are so impressed because you actually have a very strong arm and know how to pick up the ball and throw it, very well!!
*You are becoming a very good sleeper! You don't really like going to bed every night but I think that is just because you would rather stay up and play with Tayson. Once you go to sleep though, you usually only wake up twice a night to eat and are back to sleep within 5 minutes!
I'm sure there are many things I am forgetting so I will have to come back and add those, as I think of them.
Friday, March 5, 2010
What we've been up to...
Halloween 2009
Wow...I know this is WAY late! Like 4 1/2 months late!! I still wanted to get these pictures up here though, so that I can look back on them, even if they weren't published until March! :)
For Halloween this year, I let Tayson decide what he was going to be. Up until this year, he really wasn't old enough to decide on his own, so I always just picked something I thought he would like. For Halloween this year though, he was pretty adament about being Diego, from the show "Go Diego Go!" I actually thought this would be a great idea because if you know Tayson, you know that he HATES to wear costumes so since Diego really just wears shorts, a t-shirt, vest and tennis shoes, I thought that we might actually be able to get this costume on him without major waterworks! I also liked this idea because I wanted he and Tristin to be something that coordinated and since Diego's little sidekick is baby Jaguar, that worked well! So...Tayson was Diego and Tristin was baby Jaguar!
We had a great Halloween, just going to my parents and Justin's parents and to a few houses to trick-or-treat! The boys had a great time and got WAY too much candy! Here are a few pictures of the big night:
Friday, January 15, 2010
Happy 3rd Birthday, my precious baby!
I know that I can't really say "baby" anymore, now that you are three, but you will always be my baby! You are my first born and the light of my life. I would have never guessed that three years ago today, my life would change so drastically. It was the best change I have ever experienced. Becoming a mom, your mom, was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. There are no words to describe just how much I love you. You always put a smile on my face and I am so blessed to be your mommy!! I love you and hope that you have the happiest birthday a boy could have!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
8 Months
Today is Tristin's 8 month birthday!! He is such a happy baby! I cannot believe that he is 8 months old already, but I know I say that all the time. We are just having so much fun with both of our boys, we wonder what we did before them? Here are some things that he is up to now:
*Wearing 6-9 month clothes and some 6-12 month clothes.
*Still wearing a size 2 diaper!
*Just recently started eating some baby food. We have tried giving him baby food and rice cereal since he was about 6 months old but just within the past month, has he actually started eating some food. He HATES rice cereal though! His favorite is bananas.
*Can sit up on his own.
*Just started rolling over this past month but rarely does it. I knew that he was capable, but he just has NO interest. 95% of the time, if you lay him on his back or belly, he will just stay there.
*He is starting to bring his knees up under his belly, when he is on his belly. I think he is getting ready for crawling. I still think it will be a little while though!
*Doesn't really like to nap! He sleeps pretty good at night, usually getting up two or three times to eat and then he is right back to sleep.
*Still breastfeeding like a champ! It is so funny, we have tried to give him formula a few times, just so that he would have something to eat if we were gone, but he will have absolutely nothing to do with it! He makes the worst faces!!
*LOVES his big brother! I think his favorite thing to do is sit and watch Tayson run around and play. He always laughs at him. It just melts my heart to watch them!!
*He cut his first 2 teeth about 2 weeks ago. They are his two bottom teeth.
*Loves to take a bath. He has just recently started trying to splash the water, he thinks it is so funny!
*When he gets really excited, he starts kicking his little legs ninety to nothing!
I'm sure I will think of more later. I miss him being a tiny little baby but I absolutely love this stage. His little personality is just developing so much everyday!