I have been thinking a lot lately about Tayson turning one and how fast this first year went by. It is so amazing to me how much he has grown and changed into the little guy that he is today. God is so wonderful for blessing us with him! I have made a list of things that I would like to remember about Tayson at his one year milestone. I know some of these things are rather boring but I wanted to put them down so that we can look back, years later, and remember this time!
1. You have 8 teeth, 4 on top and 4 on bottom!
2. You can't walk yet, but are an awesome crawler and can pull up on everything!
3. You can say kitty, kitty eeeeoooowwww (supposed to be Meow!), mama and babababa (we aren't quite sure what this is)
4. You are the happiest baby I have ever seen in my life. You NEVER cry and always have a HUGE smile on your face.
5. You have the most amazing blue eyes!
6. When you were born, you had a headful of dark, dark hair and now it is a blondish-brown color
7. You are such a mommy's boy and I LOVE IT!!!
8. You don't like to ride in the car unless we are listening to Baby Einstein CDs.
9. You love sweets and bread, just like your mommy! (Yes, I am guilty, I let my child try things that I am eating. I am not a nazi who thinks that children should only eat baby food and drink milk)
10. I am still nursing you! I never thought I would make it to 3 months, and look at us now!
11. You have never been sick! Once or twice you have woken up with a stopped up nose, but other than that, you have never had anything else! We are SOOOO very fortunate for this!
12. You love to stay with Grand and PaPa. They keep you everyday and next to mommy and daddy, they are your next favorite people!
13. I made your name up! It is a combination of Aunt Taylor and Aunt Ally's names. I didn't want you to have the exact same name as anyone else in our family but I wanted it to have some meaning. So...Tay (from Aunt Taylor) and son (from Aunt Allyson). Your middle name "Jac" is from daddy's sister...Jaclyn!
14. When I was pregnant with you, everyone on Grand's side of the family started a pool to guess which day you would be born. For $5.00 you could pick a day and time and whoever was the closest to your actual birthday and time, won the money! Guess who won? Grand (my mom).
15. You were due on January 27th. However, from the day I found out your due date, Grand told me that you would be born on the 15th. I never believed her but she thought because I was born 12 days early, you would be too! Man, was she right!!!
16. You LOVE electronics. Cell phones, cameras, laptops, computers, radios, etc. You have already broken PaPa's cell phone, my cell phone and Aunt Taylor's camera. I know we shouldn't have let you play with them, but we have a hard time telling you no!
17. You had surgery in Joplin, MO when you were 9 months old. You were born with a condition called hypospaedius and we had to have it repaired. You were such a champ! I think mommy cried a lot more than you did.
18. I know this one isn't a happy one at all but it is a fact. You attended 5 funerals/visitations in your first year of life. That is more than mommy had ever attended in her entire life, before this year. (Grandma June, Papa Roy, Erica, Randy Matthews and Uncle Justin Pinkley's Grandma)
19. You LOVE to take a bath.
20. You have always slept in the bed with daddy and I. We love having you in bed with us. People always tell me that I will regret this but right now, I'm loving it!
21. You have only spent the night away from me one time. One night daddy and I had to go somewhere and I let you stay with Grand and Papa all night. Don't worry though, I was there to get you at 7:30 the next morning.
22. You love to go on walks! We do this any time we have a chance and it is warm enough outside.
23. You LOVE Gymboree and all of the kids in your class. It is primarily boys, but you love just being there and playing.
24. You LOVE to listen to music. You are constantly trying to get daddy and I to turn on the radio in your room so that you can listen to your "If your happy and you know it" CD
25. You went on your first long road trip when you were 4 months old. We drove with Grand, Aunt Ally and Katie to Michigan to see RJ graduate from College.
26. You are the 5th generation on PaPa's side of the family. You actually have a Great, Great Grandma.
27. You were born on Martin Luther King, Jr. day. I know it has nothing to do with the holiday, but mommy thought this was neat because my maiden name is Martin.
I know there are so many other things that I would like for Tayson to know/remember about himself right now, but this is all I can think of right now. I hope I didn't bore you to death!
Bachelor Grant Recap: You Mess With the Bull
11 hours ago
That is all so interesting! I had tears in my eyes reading it. I love the way you created his name. I kind of made up Zayde, too. I liked Zane, but I wanted something a little more unique, so I tweeked it to Zayde!
Hey Mandy! I am finally free to do your header, if you're still interested!!!
can you e mail me at brandy_Foshe at yahoo.com and we'll talk about what you want. Let me know what colors you are interested in and if you want just a header with your existing page or if you want a whole new background. If you want pictures, e mail me 6-7 of your favorites and I'll chose the one(s) that work with the header...
Such a good idea! I need to do better about writing stuff down for Brooklynn. I got bad about the baby book after the first few months!
We're hoping to build this spring/summer. We have an acre in Farmington. Where are you building?? We have our floorplan picked out, but we won't do too much until our house sells (we're putting it on the market in early spring).
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